Promises and Prayers

Sunday was our first official day here at Golf Course Road Church of Christ and Carrie-Anne and I are completely overwhelmed by the tremendous love and generosity of our new church home. The shepherds here ordained me during the worship assembly — they made promises to me and asked me to make promises to them, they charged me with preaching God’s Word and helping to pastor the flock and fostering a culture at GCR in which we will be more transformed into the image of Christ. And then Eddie Lee prayed a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving and blessing over us on behalf of the congregation.

I can’t adequately express the excitement we’re experiencing nor the tremendous anticipation we’re feeling for what our God is doing here at GCR. And that we get to be a part of it!

I am so thankful for the faith and confidence this church is placing in me and my family to represent our Lord and his church at GCR in our Midland community and beyond. That blessing and that responsibility are not lost on me. It’s sacred to me. It’s heavy. I feel it. I cherish it. I feel very honored by this church and by our Lord to be here.

I am so grateful for the warm welcome we are receiving here. So many texts, emails, phone calls, cards, food — it’s overwhelming! It’s a constant reminder to me that our Lord is the one who had moved us out here to be with these folks. He’s way out in front of us on this. The timing is his.





The call from our God here is clear and the challenge at GCR is real. But I am confident. I am supremely confident. Because the shepherds here are honest and humble men who have a passionate heart for loving God’s people. Because the people at GCR are committed to this congregation, to each other, and to what God wants to do here. Because our Father wants to do something truly magnificent in us and through us together. And he will. This thing that he started at Golf Course Road a long time ago, he will bring to completion. He is faithful and he will do it.

I am anxious for all of us to roll up our sleeves together and love really well and work really hard and have an absolute blast in the flood of our Father’s blessings. May he bless us richly. And may his holy will be done at GCR and in Midland, Texas just as it is in heaven, to his eternal glory and praise.



1 Comment

  1. Payton

    Praying for you often, friend. God will lead the way.

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