Peace, Be Still

Surely we needed no more proof. But if we did, the disturbing events that unfolded at this country’s capitol yesterday illustrate beyond any doubt that we are a deeply divided people. We are divided. And desperate. And afraid. Angry. Hurt. Confused. Violent. Bitter. Outraged. Torn apart.

We need a peace that surpasses all understanding and can come only from our Lord. We need healing that only God through the righteous life, atoning death, and glorious resurrection of Jesus can provide. We need forgiveness. We need comfort. Reconciliation. Acceptance. Unity. Compassion. Empathy. Grace. Love.

We certainly needed no more evidence. But if we did, what happened yesterday affirms for all of us that our hope does not rest in politicians or parties, platforms or partisan posturing. Our prayers are not answered in Austin or Washington D.C. Our salvation does not come from elections or laws, flags or speeches.

We have a King and his name is Jesus. He has become for us our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. Despite what’s happening all around us, he alone is making everything new. And he calls his followers to practice peace. And healing. And forgiveness. Comfort. Reconciliation. Acceptance. Unity. Compassion. Empathy. Grace. Love.

May our God bless us quickly and richly with his peace. And may his people behave in the name and manner of our risen and coming King.



1 Comment

  1. Lowry Hershey

    “And may his people behave in the name and manner of our risen and coming King.” So, how shall we behave? Maybe Luke’s record will give us some insight. Maybe they did not have to tell Jesus about the Galileans…. but we have his answer. Maybe not so problematic after all. Luke 12:49-13:9 (read it ignoring the chapter break and verse divisions). Maybe…

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