Ode To Kipi

A lot of you already know by now that our Children’s Minister here at Legacy, Kipi Ward, has resigned her position this week. Next to Terry Heidecker and Jim McDoniel, Kipi’s our longest-tenured minister here at nearly seven years. She’s leaving us (I mean, here in the office; she’s still going to be a valuable member of the Legacy church family) to spend more time and energy on her studies and with her sweet girls. And, crud, we’re going to miss her around here.

Kipi has been a wonderful blessing from God to the children and parents at Legacy. She’s impacted many lives, eternally, by her excellent teaching and her humble heart and gracious spirit.

She’s also been a tremendous blessing to the other ministers and staff in our office. She’s a vital part of what, I think, is an excellent dynamic we share together. Kipi’s loving example of sacrifice and service, her open willingness to drop whatever she’s doing to help somebody else, set the tone around here. Her attitude fostered such a great working environment here. She led us by her godly living.

She’s also been an amazing blessing to me. Her endurance of me during VBS, her tireless efforts during Faith Builders, her patience with me on Thursdays and Fridays (No, I don’t have the questions ready yet!), her help with computers and scanners and printers, all of it has meant so much. But even more than that, I appreciate so much her firm grounding in the love of our Lord. Her life kept us all grounded. Kipi always draws us back to the big picture. She always reassures. She always encourages. She always calms. She always praises.

Kipi leaving us creates a huge hole for the other ministers and staff. She’s going to be missed terribly.

Kipi, may our God bless you and your girls richly. May he walk with you as you dedicate more time and energy to your studies and your family. May you be at peace in the knowledge that your time as our Children’s Minister will eternally be a “job well done!” And may our Father continue to use you in ways beyond your own imagination for his people and his Kingdom.

And may you make at least a cameo appearance around here on the Mondays after Cowboys losses so I won’t be celebrating alone.

Grace and peace from your co-worker and servant in Christ,



  1. sharpie

    Thank you, Allan, for saying what we all want to say but can’t put into words. Kipi will be missed terribly. She is the bright side of everything – even when nobody else thought there was one! Maybe a little bit of her will remain here and we can go to her “happy place” and feel her calmness and reassurance. Kipi, if you’re reading this – Thank you! Thank you for all the times you so patiently talked me through yet another computer issue! Thank you for helping me see that there really are two sides to everything! And mostly, thank you for being you – always a faithful servant. We love you!

  2. Suzyq2

    Well said Allan! Thank you. God has worked thru Kipi to touch the lives of our children and there families here at Legacy in ways she may never see. As for the office at Legacy, it will never be the same. Who will be the comma police? Who will make me smile when i am tired? She has a way of bring laughter and joy into our lives. As for the two sides to everything – NOT Baseball, Football or Politics. We all love you and will miss you.

  3. Jenn

    Thank you Allan….My children love Kipi and her candy bowl! 🙂 Thank you for your smiles and support, Kipi. We are glad that you are still here, too. We love you and your girls, Kipi!

  4. Fred McMeans

    This is so sad. Kipi is such an inspiration and will continue to be. She has been a real friend to Javan. Iknow she will be missed in this role. I am glad she will continue to be a part of out Legacy family. Love you Kipi.

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