Marriage Matters


What a great start to our “Marriage Matters” series yesterday at Central! We had great attendance, an uplifting song service, an inspiring time together around our Lord’s table, a profound moment of prayer for our marriages, and a brilliantly crafted and executed sermon. But all anybody wants to talk about is the video!

Yes, the video.

From the tip of Steve Rogers’ bandana to the seat of Wayland Danile’s Levis, the video featuring our own married couples was the hit of the service and the water-cooler topic all day today. Our thanks to Leon & Marilyn, Tom & Carol, Shelby & Patsy, Bobby & Polly, Steve & Judy, and Wayland & Barbara for their (mostly) willing participation. And our plea for their forgiveness for the five other videos that are in the works.

In case you missed it yesterday or in case you want to be mesmerized all over again by Shelby’s on-camera charisma, just click here to see the full video on our church website.



1 Comment

  1. Mike Monroe

    Allan, this is Mike Monroe — Tom & Carol’s son. I just finished downloading all the videos from your Marriage Matters series last year, and I wanted to ask you the precise order of presentation. I was able to get a general idea from the dates that they were updated, but I want to get them in exact order when I burn them to a disk. I love what you did with those couples, and I especially appreciate you being able to get my dad to actually sit down and open up — that may prove to be your greatest miracle! I know that I am going to cherish being able to hear my parents’ voices again long after they’re gone; and when my grandchildren grow up and start thinking about marriage, I want them to be able to hear their great-grandparents’ stories and wise counsel from their own lips. Thanks for making that possible!!

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