How much do I owe you, Lord, for all you’ve done for me?
For seeing me through the hard times and messes I’ve made.
For picking me up again and again and cleaning me up.
For unspeakable comfort during times when I hurt.
And courage to carry on when I couldn’t see the path.
For a second chance. A fresh start. A clean slate. A new heart.
Dare I ask the price for all this?
And how much do I owe you, Lord, for cool breezes,
snowy mountains, flowers, seas, and majestic storms?
For friendships. And books. For healing and security.
For family. Income. Insights. Peace.
For music and art. Delicious food. Fun excursions.
Challenging conversations. Good wine and funny songs.
For poetry and films.
Oh, how you have poured it out on me, Lord.
Do I really want to see a final bill?
Oh, how much do I owe you, Lord, for the hope of heaven?
For assurance of reunion with friends and family.
For salvation and redemption. For being your precious, special child.
For knowing you love me enough to give your son,
your self, to make me whole and clean and pure.
Just tell me, Lord, and I’ll pay whatever price you demand.
Oh, thank you, Lord.
I hear you say I won’t take less than your love.
~Ray Hardin
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