Forward To What's Next

Forward to what’s next!I don’t know the product or the brand name. I can’t recall much of anything about this particular TV commercial I’ve seen several times now. But I love the way this ad attempts to recast our vision of what it means to go back to school. It’s not “back to school” this commercial tells us. It’s “forward to what’s next!”

I love that.

Everything’s new on the first day of school. New classes. New people. New teachers. New campus. New lunch menu. New clothes. New books. New subjects. New everything. The potential is limitless. Anything’s possible!

It’s not “back to” anything. It’s “forward to” everything!

It’s not back to Small Groups; it’s forward to what God has planned for us with this particular group of people. It’s not back to church again on Sunday; it’s forward to what new and wonderful thing God is going to reveal to us this week. It’s not back to another elders meeting; it’s forward to the next Kingdom task God is calling us to. It’s not back to writing another sermon; it’s forward to what our Lord is equipping me to say for him next. It’s not back to work for you; it’s forward to the next great opportunity God is giving you to serve his people with grace and love.

It’s not “back to” anything; it’s “forward to” everything!


Whitney starts her Junior year at Richland High School today. Her first period Ready, Set, Teach! class was at the new Birdville Tech Center. It’s a great day to be a Rebel!    Valerie begins her last year at North Ridge Middle School. She tells me 8th graders dominate!    Carley begins her last year as a scholar at Green Valley Elementary. 5th Grade. She bolted out of the car this morning in front of her school like she couldn’t wait.

Last night’s Back to School Bash here at Legacy was fantastic. Where else can you get 19-people from six-years-old to 43-years-old playing a game of KnockOut? Three bounce houses in one gym? How many hot dogs?

Riley at Legacy’s Back to School BashI love the emphasis we place on our kids here. Our children are a vital part of our congregation. They are valuable pieces of our puzzle. They’re important. I love it that they scream and yell and throw balls and spill popcorn and have Kool-Aid mustaches and fall down. And I love it that they want to hold hands. And sing “Blue Skies and Rainbows.” And sit by their friends. And listen to Bible stories. And ask questions about Jesus.

I love it when we have whole events built around and for our kids. Seems very Christ-like to me.




  1. Paul D

    I just read your beartiful tribute to our dear brother Ray Manos. You captured his essence. I remember when we were meeting in the gym and he would be just inside the door at every service greeting folk as they came in. This was before his illness. I am like you, I tried to greet him every service during the past couple of years. I called him Razor. He is at peace now. Thanks to the Lord.
    Paul D

  2. Rob's Dad

    ditto Leonard, ditto

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