Few More Pics

“A Common Love” in our Russian songbooks.Wanted to upload a few more quick pictures before we head out for the day. Awesome small group worship and study last night at Mike & Lucy’s. Singing — OK, mainly listening — to “A Common Love” sung in Russian in a 4th floor apartment in Kharkov with Christian brothers and sisters is incredible. I thank God for the experiences he’s allowing Carrie-Anne and me to have here.

More later. These are just pics.

Small Group Thursday nightLiv visiting with Vlad after small group. He’s helping her with Russian grammar. She’s helping him with the Gospel. Praise God. Vlad’s such a great guy. So sweet in spirit. So open-hearted. Always smiling. Praise God.Mike & Rob & David discussing the day’s events and making plans for the rest of the week and w/end.

Great group at the park: Robert & Vlad and Denyce and David and usC-A & Denyce & Lucy riding the MetroC-A at the market checking out the cherries

We pray God is blessing you back home with his great mercy and grace.



1 Comment

  1. Nancy Snelson

    Just got back in town and caught up on your blog. Great posts and insights – needs to be required reading for all of us about every week! Love the pictures and being able to see what all you guys are doing. Give David and Liv and C-A another hug from us! We’re praying for you and your time together. Thanks for being Legacy’s eyes, ears, hands, feet, arms and heart to the Nelsons!

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