Being Church At Home

Being Church at HomePray with your kid today. Read the Bible with your child today. Don’t go to bed tonight without talking to your children about our gracious Father and his redemption plans for his people. And stop saying “go to church.” We don’t go to church. We ARE the Church. And we have to show our children that in our homes.

According to Search Institute and the results of a national survey of over 11,000 young people from 561 Christian congregations:

~ 12% of youth have a regular dialog with their mother on faith and life issues.

~ 5% of youth have a regular dialog with their father on faith and life issues.

~ 9% of youth have experienced regular reading of the Bible and devotions in the home.

~ 12% of youth have experienced a servanthood event with a parent as an action of faith.

George Barna research finds the same kind of conclusions. From Barna’s Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions:

“We discovered that in a typical week, fewer than ten percent of parents who regularly attend church with their kids read the Bible together, pray together (other than at meal times) or participate in an act of service as a family unit. Even fewer families — 1 out of every 20 — have any type of worship experience together with their kids, other than while they are at church during a typical month.”

Understand these statistics are all church kids! These are kids who go to church, whose parents go to church! These are our kids!

A Christian life in the home is much more influential than the Christian life in the church congregation. If that’s true — and I believe it is with all my heart — we need to all be asking ourselves some very important questions about being church at home. Do our children know beyond a shadow of doubt that our dedication to our Lord and to his Kingdom is the most important thing in our lives? Really? How do they know?

Pray with your kids today. Read a Bible passage together tonight. Impress it on your children. Talk about our Christ when you sit at home and when you walk along the road (I think that implies turning off the TV and pulling out the earbuds), when you lie down and when you get up.



1 Comment

  1. LT

    Amen Brother!!! Thanks for reminding us all what is most imporant.

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