All That Jesus Began To Do

LegacyToTheWorldThis Sunday marks the beginning of Missions Month here at Legacy. Our entire local and foreign missions budget for 2009 will be funded by one single church offering on March 29. Between now and then we’re going to focus on what God is doing with us and through us to save the world. Guest speakers this month include Mark Hooper from Missions Resource Network and our own church missions ministry, Charles Coulston from Made In The Streets in Nairobi, Darin Campbell from Let’s Start Talking, and Salvador Cariaga and John Bailey from the Philippines and Body and Soul Ministries. Michael Thames from Fortress Youth Development Center in Fort Worth will join us. So will Corey Mullins from Australia and David Nelson from Ukraine, via the miracle of the internet skype.

We’ll share together our plans and vision for the year. More missionary teams. More church planting. More teaching. More training. More preaching. And we’re asking our whole church family to get personally involved. We’re asking everyone to seriously discuss Missions giving with their spouses and kids. We’re asking everyone to adopt a missions mindset. We’re asking everyone to pray and reflect on our role in the gospel story.

Because the story’s not over.

We’re still writing sacred history. As disciples of the Christ, we are the next pages in the continuing account of God’s good news of salvation to the world. Every time a person is treated or cured in the name of Jesus, another page is added to the gospel. Every time a church is planted in the name of our Christ, another line is written. Every time a hungry person is fed, another paragraph is etched.

Every time a preacher is sent, a homeless person is given shelter, a sermon is preached, a woman is baptized, a jobless man is encouraged, someone is confronted for the first time with God’s love and mercy in Jesus, another page is added to the continuing gospel story. Every time.

What are we going to do? What are you going to do?


  1. Fred McMeans

    WOW! This should be another exciting month. Legacy can do more to keep the members knowlegable about our mission work. Although I new most of the ones you mentioned, there were a couple that were new to me. How about a banner listing all their names or pictures with a brief message about their work. These could be a permanent display to remind us to keep these works in our prayers. During this month Power Point slides could be added to the introductory slide show to introduce these missionaries to the members.

  2. Joanna Ashlock

    I completely agree with Fred. We do not speak enough about our missions work. It has gotten better during the past six months as we sent off the Mullins and Nelsons but we could do so much more! Your blog gets a lot of readers–we need more attention in blog/web format to keep us updated on all our mission support. Maybe we could have focused prayers and highlights in the bulletin each month. Ok, I’m brainstorming here but there truly is so much more we can do!

  3. Allan

    Check out the Legacy missions page, complete with links to all our mission sites, on the church website:

  4. Joanna

    Those links are a good source of getting general information about each of those works. The congregation and anyone interested needs to know how Legacy as a body specifically helps each of those efforts. Just creating a link on our website doesn’t tell me how Legacy is directly involved. Information about Legacy’s relationship with each one of those “links” would be a good addition.

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