2015SchoolSuppliesThank you so much to our Central church family for your faithful participation in our third annual “4 Amarillo” school supplies drive. Due to your generous offerings, we have more than met our goals of 200 three-ring binders, 400 composition notebooks, 800 Ziploc bags, and 6,400 #2 pencils.

The whole congregation is joining the other three downtown churches tomorrow evening to sort and pack the combined school supplies for delivery to our four area elementary schools. We’re all meeting in the Great Hall at Polk Street United Methodist Church for what should be about a one-hour project. What a privilege to continue breaking down our denominational walls to better bless our community in the name and manner of Christ.


CortnieDormCortnie has been safely delivered to her new dorm room on the campus of Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls. The boxes are unpacked, the pictures are hanging on the walls, and the kitchen dishes and utensils she’ll never use are perfectly stacked. The only thing she lacks is a little footstool to help her get in and out of her bed.

Yes, our home will be much quieter and a little less spontaneous without Cortnie around. It’ll take me a while to get used to not seeing that tiny little yellow car in front of our house. Of course, the Stanglin girls (all four of them!) are having a hard time with this. We had to drag Valerie into the truck last night — never has anybody NOT wanted to leave Wichita Falls like that. I’m much more worried about my family than Cortnie. She’s going to thrive. When we finally pulled away and left her last night, Cortnie was headed to a meet-and-greet barbecue dinner and ready to begin her college career as a proud Mustang.

Congratulations, Cortnie!

