Category: Harvey Buckets

Harvey Buckets to Houston!

Three elders and a preacher are headed down to Houston right now in a huge truck loaded with 130 cases of bottled water, 150 buckets of cleaning supplies, two jugs of hand sanitizer, and a case of granola bars.






We took the truck to Zach’s Club early this morning and loaded up 90 cases of water they had been collecting, grabbed another 40 or so from Brown Automotive, then headed to Central to pack the Harvey buckets our church has been collecting since Sunday.

Bruce, Tom, John, and Carroll left here at just after 9:00 this morning to deliver the relief supplies to Doug Peters and the Grace Crossing Community Church of Christ down in Conroe. Doug tells me they’re handing out around 400 buckets and going through about five hundred bottles of water per day. Some of the supplies are being used to benefit Grace Crossing members and folks in that church’s immediate neighborhood. Some of it’s going to the Impact Church in downtown Houston to assist the families associated with the outreach programs through that congregation. And a lot of it is being spread all over the greater Houston area to help those who’ve been displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

We’re going to keep collecting the buckets here at Central through Sunday September 24 and make at least one more trip down to Conroe. Spread the word!



96 Buckets and Counting










Thank you so much to the wonderful people of Central and Amarillo who are dropping their Harvey Buckets off at the church building today.










Our goal was to have one hundred by Wednesday morning so we could go ahead and haul a decent load down to Conroe and the Grace Crossing Community Church of Christ. We took in 59 yesterday and they just keeping coming in today.











Thank you to Dale & Karen, Bruce, Clay and Perri, Ted, and John Todd and Kami for manning the doors and receiving the buckets today. The church building will be open until 4pm this afternoon and then we’ll be receiving buckets from 9a-5p Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and from 9a-12noon on Friday.











We’re probably going to wind up taking three or four trips down to Houston over the next few weeks. So, spread the word. Tell your friends and neighbors. Use social media, word of mouth, email, whatever.

You can get all the details on the Hurricane Bucket Challenge at our church website here.

May our God bless the good people of Houston and Southeast Texas with dry winds, merciful comfort, and enduring peace.


Harvey Buckets Locked and Loaded

Please see the previous post regarding the Hurricane Bucket Challenge. Central Church of Christ is the official drop-off location for the city of Amarillo and the entire Texas Panhandle. C-A and I have completed our buckets and will have them at Central first thing in the morning.

Why don’t you join us?



Hurricane Bucket Challenge

Central Church of Christ is the Hurricane Bucket Challenge drop-off site for the city of Amarillo and the entire Texas Panhandle. Churches of Christ all over the Southwest are cooperating with the Grace Crossing Community Church of Christ in Conroe, Texas to provide cleaning tools and supplies to help the thousands of displaced families in the Houston area get back into their homes.

To participate, fill a five-gallon bucket with the items on this list and bring the bucket to Central Church of Christ (1401 S. Monroe, Amarillo) any day beginning this Sunday September 3. We’ll collect the buckets and make sure they all get to the hurricane response staging site at Grace Crossing.

I don’t know yet if we’re going to load up a U-Haul and drive it down to Houston once a week for the next couple of months or if we’re going to need to rent a huge semi-tractor-trailer — I have no idea how many of these buckets are going to come in. I know the good families at Bivins Elementary are going to want to participate and some of our high school students at Central are already planning to get their schools involved.

All the details are on our church website here. You can view the Hurricane Bucket Challenge video here (my soul dies a little bit every time I see Doug Peters wearing an Astros cap). And you can share this information on Facebook or other social media by clicking here. If you’re reading this from outside the Panhandle, check the list of churches close to your area.

We’re getting our buckets today, one for each member of our family, and filling them up and bringing them to church tomorrow. Why don’t you do the same? And spread the word.

What a joy to share our resources with those in need! May our gifts bring glory to God and point to his Son, our Lord Jesus! And may God’s will be done in Houston just as it is in heaven!

